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I'm in BC. Can I get help paying my rent during the COVID?

Reviewed by
Nov 4, 2021

The BC Temporary Rental Supplement Program ended as of August 31, 2020. Renters who are still experiencing a loss of income may also be eligible for either the Rental Assistance Program or the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) programs, which provide ongoing rental assistance for lower income families and seniors.

Details and full eligibility requirements can be found on the BC Housing Rental Assistance page, or call BC Housing at 604-433-2218 or toll-free from anywhere in B.C. at 1-800-257-7756.

The BC Government’s ban on issuing evictions for non-payment of rent officially ended on September 1, 2020. Effective July 10, 2021, the requirement for landlords to give their tenants a repayment plan for unpaid rent or utilities due between March 18, 2020 to August 17, 2020, is repealed. All unpaid rents and utilities should be repaid by July 10, 2021, unless the parties agreed to an alternative arrangement to extend payments beyond July 10, 2021. If there are unpaid rent or utilities and there is no repayment plan in place to extend payments, a landlord may issue a 10-day notice to end tenancy for unpaid rent or utilities.

Go to the Residential Tenancy Branch for more information on housing and COVID-19.

If you have lost your job as a result of COVID-19, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the provincial and federal governments. See a list of BC programs designed to provide financial support. See the list of federal programs.